While online advertising is a great way to reach your target audience, it should never be your only means of marketing your brand. That’s because some people don’t use the internet and others like to have a tangible object in their hand. In order to reach the masses, you need to add door hangers in Los Angeles to your advertising repertoire. Keep reading to find out why they’re so great.
They are Completely Customizable
One of the best things about door hangers for advertising is that you can customize them for your purposes. They can be used to promote a sale or discount, as well as seasonal products or services. You can create door hangers using a color palette that matches your logo and can even add coupons. Door hangers can be printed on one side or both sides, giving you plenty of space to let customers know what they can expect from your brand. You can also add relevant images.
They’re Eye Catching
When a customer arrives at the door to their home and finds a brightly colored door hanger, they can’t help but look at it. This is an easy way to remind current customers of your brand and showcase any discounts or deals you’re offering. It’s also a simple way to reach new potential customers who may not have known what products and services they can find with you.
They Appeal to the Masses
It’s no secret that some people don’t shop online or enjoy searching for businesses on the internet. On the other hand, some younger generations do all of their business online. By having an online presence, combined with tangible advertisements, you give yourself the opportunity to reach more customers on their own terms. If you want to widen your target audience to include young and old, a variety of marketing tools is necessary, and that includes door hangers.
They Give You a Face to Face Interaction
Yes, you can distribute hundreds, even thousands of door hangers and only talk face to face to a few people, but each time you do, you make a connection to a potential customer. Being friendly and approachable, as well as knowledgeable about what you have to offer, could gain you quite a few new customers as you’re out and about distributing your door hangers around town.
Door Hanger Considerations
When you hand out door hangers, there are a couple of things to keep in mind to get the best results from your campaign. Be sure that door hangers are allowed in the neighborhoods you are targeting. Some homeowners associations don’t allow advertisements so be sure you know the rules before you hit the pavement. Make sure you choose areas where target customers might live. It’s a waste of time to hang door hangers in a retirement village if you’re marketing swim lessons for toddlers, for example.
No matter what your brand or business, door hangers in Los Angeles are an outstanding way to reach your potential customers and showcase everything you have to offer. Getting started is easy with Printing Matters on your side so don’t wait – contact us today.