Should you try to get a better price from your Print Shop in Burbank? Is there a way to get a better price on your printing? There are no guarantees but try a few of the things in this article. You may get lucky and find a better price.
You Could Negotiate
This sounds a little confrontational, but negotiating is probably the most reliable way of getting a good price. If you can, research a few prices online and see if you can find a few cheaper prices and then present them to the print shop. Just make sure you can back up your claims with actual numbers. Show them how you got your quote.
Beware of Different Print Qualities
There are ways to artificially lower the unit price of your printing, but they each come with their own downsides. For example, it is possible to lower the price per unit if you opt for much thinner paper and for lower quality paper and printing types. Do not try to compare one price with another unless you are sure the products are actually the same.
Different Batch Sizes
Another way things may become tricky while comparing prices is batch size. Some offer you a price for batches of 50, whereas others offer them for batches of 15. Working out the unit cost along with postage and processing fees can be a little more complicated than it first seems when you are doing it for many different print shops.
Processing and Delivery Fees
Some printing services do not play fair. They will allow you to make your order, upload all your stuff, customize it, and then add on a massive fee at the end that bumps up your overall price. Or, there are those that offer a fair price but have a massive delivery charge that takes two weeks to deliver.
First Time Discounts
Beware of these because the ones offering these on repeat are often the ones that make it back in very nasty ways. They are the ones that add admin charges, processing charges, and even payment charges to your order. Nevertheless, there are some honest companies out there that will offer you a good first-time discount. The problem with these companies is that sometimes they don’t set themselves up for cultivating good relationships with long-term customers.
The Quality of the Overall Product
One company may offer the best prices for your desired paper type, paper thickness, printing quantity, and so forth. Yet, if they do a bad job and deliver a poor quality product, then they are not the company for you. Ideally, you should run a few test jobs with each of the printing services you find. You can then test out the products before you make big orders. Plus, you can still use the small printing runs for your promotional content and such, so your tests are not a complete loss.’
Try A Discount Service
There are some printing services that operate on lower margins. They have lower overheads and they have found a way to offer discount services on a permanent basis. As you can imagine, they are pretty rare, but if you are looking for a Print Shop in Burbank, then search out My Printing Matters. They have offered discount printing for years now and they are still in business, so they must be doing something right.