When you think of hyper-targeted campaigns, you don’t think of a mass mailing company in Burbank, and yet with a little imagination, you can create a very successful and effective marketing campaign. These days, you can customize your mass-marketing printing to such a degree that they can actually become very targeted.
The Old Sports Betting Scam
There is a pretty effective scam that used to happen all the time before the Simpsons exposed it. Here is how it went:
Homer: I’ve gotten the pamphlet four weeks in a row and every time, the pick-of-the-week has been right on the money.
Lisa: Oh! I get it. Every week, they send out two pamphlets, Half picking one team and a half picking the other. Eventually, there’s a small group of people who only receive the correct predictions and think Professor Pigskin is always right. That’s when they ask for your money.
That was essentially the scam, and where it just seems like an amusing bit of trivia, the truth is that these sorts of tactics can be used legitimately to score some very targeted sales. You can time your leaflet drops with everything from selling umbrellas when it is raining to selling spring water during droughts. You can segregate people off into districts and play them against each other. Such as you supporting one team in one neighborhood and another team in another neighborhood.
A Trick That Has Been Happening For Years
Just like how Disney edits out the gay characters in their promotional material when they are selling to China, companies have been using cleverly edited mailing methods for years. Their leaflets feature more BIPOC or Asian faces when being dropped in neighborhoods with high numbers of BIPOC or Asian people.
They show off their high-end products when they drop leaflets in posh neighborhoods and they show off their bargain stuff when dropping leaflets in less wealthy areas. Many takeaway companies even used to increase their prices depending on the places they are dropping through. It was very common in New York, where getting a Chinese meal in one building cost more than getting it in another (they did a Seinfeld episode on it). Though these days with online ordering, most companies don’t pull the old price-switcheroo trick anymore.
Targeted Market Research
Perhaps one of the most powerful tools you can use through a mass mailing company in Burbank is targeted market research. You can try different marketing tools, discount codes, and ideas on different people to see how they react. Simply create different leaflets with different discount codes and offers and drop them in different areas.
The leaflets with the most effective offers and discounts will see the biggest uptake. You can then use that information to build more successful marketing campaigns in the future. Also, depending on which people take up which offers, you may also learn a lot about people’s buying habits in different areas. If you are looking for an economical way to print off some pretty nifty leaflets and mail drops, then get in touch with the team at My Printing Matters and see what is on offer.